Have you ever watched your computer screen load and gotten the spinning wheel of death? Where you watch the thing spin and spin and spin? That's how editing felt! I literally spent 3 days where the amount of pages I needed to edit stayed the same because I kept adding content. It was crazy!
So thanks to Lake Country Press (my new publisher ) Devil's Intern is starting again from the ground up. As you've seen it already has a brand new cover (which I am in LOVE with!) and it went through a huge round of developmental edits. Holy cow were there a lot of comments!! So for the past month and a half I have combed through the entire manuscript working through those edits, big and small, and I'm happy to announce that I'm finally done!
And the cool thing is it means more well rounded characters, and more content. I can't wait to share it with you all. As of last night it has gone back to the publisher for another read through, then it will go to proofreading, and finally formatting. I hope to have a new release date for you soon.
In the meantime I'm going to take all that awesome feedback from the editor and put it to use on book 2!